Photographies by Miguel Ángel Ramírez
lundi, mai 16, 2011
Brussels' Gay Pride 2011
It's been a while since I last wrote but I have a very good reason for it.
A couple of weeks ago I volunteered as a photographer for Gay Pride. This year Brussels' LGBT Organization decided to hire 10 official photographers for their site and I was lucky enough to get in.
Pride week actually started May 6th but of course the main event was the parade on May 14th. And the parties, the crazyness and outrageous - what you find in every Gay Pride worldwide.
I started the day at 11h00. Picked up my badge and got outside. It was a sunny day, perfect for the occasion. What I liked about this Pride was that there was a lot of information about Gay rights, Anti discrimination campaigns, and people that cared about these kind of things and not just party, I seriously appreciated that.
On the other hand, madness happened around every single corner, it was hard to keep up; I'm still surprised I managed to because the day before I went out with some friends and I only had a 3 hour sleep. And besides, I wanted to party still, I mean, it was Gay Pride!
As a whole I had a great experience as a photographer. It was really nice to be an official one, wearing my Pride Press badge, being able to take pictures with more ease, it was worthwhile.
I'll post some pictures but if you want to see the rest of them, they are on
Alla prossima!
dimanche, mai 15, 2011
vendredi, mai 06, 2011
samedi, avril 30, 2011
Bye April
April is practically over and I don't know where I've been these weeks that for me were hours. This month has passed so fast that I feel I've been transported to the near future.
I guess I feel this way because not much has happened in April either. I'm still waiting for my carte électronique which means I'm still trapped in Belgium - at least now there's nice weather! Then, not much boy's action, but to be fair I haven't been out partying a lot this month. I think I've only been out twice or three times and with lots of friends so there was little room for meeting new people and the new people I've met these past weeks have been either girls or straight boys, so there.
On the other hand, my friend Romina and her boyfriend came to visit me from Paris, they stayed last weekend and it was really nice to see some familiar faces in Bruxelles and show them around, eat some Belgian food and have fun with people I know from more than 8 months.
In a way I'm glad May starts tomorrow, it's my birthday month and my mother and sister will come visit me, that'll be fun to show them my new city - just like I did in Mexico City when they went to see me. It's never the same to tell your parents and siblings how everything goes than showing them first hand.
In other news, Bruxelles' Pride Week starts next Friday, May 6th. I'm going to be one of the official photographers for the event on Friday and Saturday, if everything goes well, I just may continue taking photos for the rest of the week - so wish me luck! And also, one of my housemates got interviewed for a Catalan newspaper called Vanguardia and it was me who took his photo, so in the following 2 weeks my name will appear on the article as the photographer.
See you all at Pride Week!
lundi, avril 25, 2011
Cambios [ visuales ] veinte y uno
21. The Sequence, wooden installation by Arne Quinze, Brussels, Belgium
Photography by Miguel Ángel Ramírez
jeudi, avril 21, 2011
mercredi, avril 20, 2011
mardi, avril 19, 2011
Cuando menos lo esperas sale el sol
El título no tiene ninguna relación con Shakira, que quede claro.
Yo creo que ya hacía falta un post en español. Además que siempre me sentiré más a gusto escribiendo en mi lengua materna, y me encanta.
Pues bien, comenzaré diciendo que hace unas semanas terminé de leer el último libro de Jaime Bayly, El escritor sale a matar. Es la primera entrega de una trilogía llamada Morirás mañana. Al principio tuve muchas reservas acerca de la historia y cómo se iba desarrollando pero desde la segunda mitad me mantuvo cautivo, muy al estilo de Bayly. La trama gira alrededor de Javier Garcés, un escritor limeño que aunque sólo ha escrito 3 libros en su carrera literaria logró el éxito internacional. Con muchos enemigos, algunos más que otros pero al final gente que no lo soporta; Javier decide vengarse de ellos luego de enterarse que sólo le quedan 6 meses de vida por culpa de un tumor en el cerebro. Si aprecian las no sutilezas, deben leerlo, yo creo que les gustará.
Otro libro de un escritor peruano que leí hace poco es Por favor, no empujen de Fernando González Nohra. Ésta es su primera novela y realmente me gustó mucho, es muy limeña, el lenguaje, las imágenes y aunque me recordó mucho a Bayly también, el estilo de F. González es claramente más joven y no tan sutil y sutil al mismo tiempo, me encantó. Lo recomiendo mucho.
Luego, compré lentillas, la primera vez que las uso y hasta ahora va bien. Ya no me demoro más de 10 minutos por cada ojo al ponérmelas y después de años he vuelto a usar lentes de sol - que para mi es una experiencia completamente nueva.
Y para finalizar, mi capacidad intelectual parece que está muriendo poco a poco creo, qué horror...
Auf wiedersehen!
lundi, avril 18, 2011
Fast forward
These last few weeks have been a little bit crazy, good and bad crazy.
As you all know I've been struggling with getting back my self-confidence, at least the way I was before; it's going good actually but it's baby steps. I knew what my problem was and I guess I just let it consume me instead of changing things. Sometimes it's really easy to avoid the problem and try to go around it.
So, I took the bull by the horns and said to myself: Stop being an idiot and start reacting and behaving like your old-self, there's no excuse for you being this shy now!
Then, after my breakthrough, Andreas comes visit me; Andreas and I met in Mexico City almost 2 years ago, we had somewhat of a curious story you may say. Last time we met was exactly a year ago here in Bruxelles, and just now he had some free time to come see me. It was really nice to see him this time and show him around knowing where to go and what to do, because last time we were both lost in this city and did not know exactly what to do. It was all going smooth and out of a sudden he asks me what I think about a long term relationship. I froze right there and started saying nonsense; I did not expect it at all. Had he asked me that a year ago I would have said ok, let's go for it but now I have a lot going on in my head and I don't think it would be a good idea.
After that I had a lot to tell him, we talked for hours via skype when he was back in Marseille. There was a lot more I had to come clean about and fourtunately he took it all well. I'm really lucky to have him as a friend.
Oh right, after the Andreas' situation, I finally got an answer from René to my last email. I must say I am so grateful to having met these two guys, I really love them both, it's not everyday that you find people like them.
René has been really kind and I know everytime I tell him something his answer is sincere and caring. I cannot wait to see him again and let him ponder on how I really am at the moment; I know that even if I write him telling him how everything is going it's different when you see things by yourself and to a point I think I may have contradicted myself in my emails but the reason is that everything changes fast and I slapped myself to wake up already and start living again. How dramatic but true.
Well guys, that's pretty much it. Sorry about my lazy English today, I'll compensate next time, pinky promise.
samedi, avril 16, 2011
I always love some cake
CAKE, I will survive
I do not own this video. Property of Capricorn Music Group.
dimanche, avril 03, 2011
Un mezzo e un boudoir
Friday night was interesting.
First I met Cynthia - David's Peruvian house-mate - and some of her friends from Peru who are visiting her. Typical Peruvian macho guys, they reminded me a little why I'm out of there; they were nice anyway, I'm not saying they are total homophobe ignorant people but from now and then they make some awkward remarks and not so nice phrases came out of their mouths. Luckily David was there with me and I didn't feel like the gay-outcast.
After the brief meeting, all the Peruvian crew - me included of course - met with the Italian crew: Gianmaria, Sara, Alessandro, Luca, and a couple of Italian girls I hadn't met before. I had a good time in Mezzo with them, I could practice some Italian as well, gave a quick kiss in the lips to Gianmaria - we just love this guy! The only thing that got me thinking afterwards was that there was a handsome well-built bloke dancing behind me, and I noticed he was gay but I just didn't make a move because I started thinking about some German guy and I just couldn't go on.
By the end of the night, David and I went to Boy's Boudoir, of course! There we ran into a lot of guys we see practically every weekend in these places - I wasn't too excited about that. Though there was one that I liked and again, we made eye-contact and started dancing right next to each other but I stopped myself; even David asked me why I was being so stupid and not going for it, he had noticed the guy in Mezzo as well and didn't understand why I hadn't made the move when it was obvious these guys found me attractive. I'm just a mess lately, really!
But oh well, it was an interesting and hectic evening so my Saturday was calm and chill, I stayed home, made dinner and had a nice chat and game-night with Gaël, so I can't complain.
A la próxima.
mercredi, mars 30, 2011
mardi, mars 29, 2011
Brief and maybe not so clear
So, it's been a while but for a reason. I've been too messed up to think clearly and even now I may say non-sense but this is what you get.
I'll try to come back to cultural related topics and more interesting stuff than my life but for now this is what I will share.
This last weekend was not so great and it was at the same time. I've been thinking so much about meeting someone interesting and having a relationship that I absolutely forgot why we people go out, to have fun! That's why this Friday, Saturday and even Sunday have not been very good days for myself. Also I've been so concentrated on my fellow Spanish friend that when he got hit on I got jealous - but not of him, more at him for getting all the attention. Immaturity and insecurity to the extreme and I hate that.
I even wrote to René while I was drunk and even though he has told me more than once that I should no be embarrassed about what I wrote to him on that email, I still feel that way. Thanks again for the great advise René! I really appreciate it.
All in all I did a lot of retrospection on Monday and little by little I'm going to the place where I feel fine and not try at all.
It all should flow naturally. If it doesn't, stop it!
Until next time.
dimanche, mars 20, 2011
How I became a loser
I don't know whether I wrote about this or not; I made a bet with David, we would do no alcohol for 28 days starting March. I was really confident, I mean, after 6 months without alcohol, 28 days is nothing! So I was sure I was going to win and have bragging rights. To my astonishment it was me who lost after 2 weeks.
One day I went out with Jan and his friends, cute friends I should say, and Josefien - Jan's girlfriend. We were having a really nice evening, talking about our adventures travelling and the silly stuff that can come up sometimes. After 3 or 4 bottles of orange juice I couldn't continue, that's too much orange juice in the evening, and I gave in completely; we drank tequila, rum and some beers. I have to control myself but lately it's been a bit more difficult than before. But well, I told David two days after that I had drunk some alcohol and he nearly slapped me in the face for not having told him right away: "Y a mí me tuviste dos días más tomando iced tea y cerveza sin alcohol, qué cabrón." He complained more about not knowing that he could have some alcoholic drinks than me not telling him I lost, ha!
In the end we made it a toss-up, I don't know how but it is a toss-up. David drank a lot the day I told him, I guess to compensate.
Next time I won't make a bet, I will just stop drinking that much and take it slowly.
samedi, mars 19, 2011
¡Feliz cumpleaños Mariana!
Muchas gracias chicos por ayudarme con el vídeo de cumpleaños para mi hermana: Gianmaria, Rossella, Fabiola, Jesse, Miguel, Sara, David Martin, Stéphanie, Paola, David Andrés y Virginie.
Auguroni sorellina!
jeudi, mars 17, 2011
Moving on was never that easy - I guess I am growing up
Another day, another thought - actually thoughts but it wouldn't have sounded good, would it?
It's been a couple of days since I shared my feelings to David. It was bugging me big time this whole situation. I wasn't being myself around him because of this and it was about time I was clear and sincere. So, I sent him an email - because I was too coward to say it face to face on Sunday. He took it well fourtunately... unfourtunately for me, he does not feel the same way; I knew that to some degree but I wouldn't accept it until I myself heard him say it. Amazingly enough though, I took it well; I mean, there's still this uncomfortable "we don't feel the same for one another" but as I've said before time after time, I truly like him as a friend, I have fun with him all the time and I love having a gay friend with whom I can talk about everything, really everything. And besides, I actually think I already moved on, insanity!
I have to explain that.
Yesterday afternoon I got to talk to René, the cute German guy I met in Mexico City and with whom I went out "touristing" for a while, remember? Well, we've been writing to each other since we both left Mexico. And I've told him a lot of stuff about me because it's nice to have someone else out there to share your thoughts and feelings and I trust him. I told him what happened with David and he cheered me up and I saw him do some silly jokes through Skype- that always makes me laugh.
So, all in all, I feel good, I said what I needed to say and now I know what's really going on, which is always the best.
Final thoughts:
- Happy birthday Mariana! I'll send you your video-present tomorrow morning because I have to do some more editing :)
- I'll be soon sharing some German posts from René's blog because he cannot log to his account while in China, so I'll be the one updating his blog:
lundi, mars 14, 2011
samedi, mars 12, 2011
David Martin, 7 mars, 17:46
Me dejas anodadado! Yo me moriría de vergüenza de entrar solo a ese bar!! jajaja Tengo que entrar un día para verlo. Gracias a tu curiosidad hemos descubierto un sitio nuevo de perversión... jajaja.
Pues qué quieres que te diga... que me parece MAGNÍFICO que te hayas dado una alegría pal cuerpo, y por supuesto, tomando las precauciones oportunas. Seguro que lo disfrutaste y oléeeeee!!!! jajaja.
La edad del tío me acojona más. Yo no podría. Sobre todo si la cosa la lleváis a algo más que sólo un polvo. 49 años es un poco mayor. Pero bueno... quizás el hombre es super majo... cómo lo ves? vas a quedar con el para tomar un café y conoceros mejor?
Día 1 sin alcohol... hoy pensando... tengo el cumple de una amiga el viernes en Brujas, y cómo coño le digo que no voy a beber!!! tengo toda la semana para inventarme una excusa convincente y creíble... jum jum... puedo beber cerveza sin alcohol verdad??? :P
El carnaval... muuuuuuuuuy bien!!! Hacía sol, el desfile muy guay (aunque muy largo) y lo mejor es meterse en un bar con musicote y ponerse a bailar (Sara, Cynthia y yo nos disfrazamos... ya verás las fotos). De resto... pos naha... no paré de mirar a un tío español que estaba cerca de nosotros... él tampoco para de mirarme pero de vez en cuando... se besaba con una amiga (era él y un grupo de 7 chicas)... te juro que ese tío tenía que ser gay... no lo entendí... grrrr.
En fin... a las 22h estábamos en casa híper borrachos! hoy muy cansado!
Miguel Ángel Ramírez, 7 mars, 16:36
Bueno, comienzo...
Ayer por la tarde me llamó Gaël y me invita a salir, con su novio también que les apetecía tomar algo... como me dijo que seríamos los tres, dije bueno, además que tengo ganas de ver al hombre que lo aguanta, haha... Cuando ya estaba en camino me llama Gaël y me dice que no van a poder ir al final porque uno de sus amigos tuvo un accidente y que lo sentía mucho, todo eso; le dije que no había problema, que entendía, que no pasaba nada. Bueno, pero como ya estaba en la calle y me había bañado, vestido y perfumado, haha, para salir, dije por qué no seguir un rato...
Estaba camino a LeYou cuando vi a un par de tíos buenos entrando a un lugar casi al lado, el Duquesnoy, que de hecho un día que salí a pasear con Gaël, él me dijo que ahí había un bar un tanto tórrido por no decir cutre y de perdición... Entonces me dije, pues igual por qué no entrar un rato, porque tenía curiosidad y los tíos que acababan de entrar en serio que estaban buenos. Bueno, entro, pido una cerveza y todo el ambiente muy raro, aunque había de todo ah, y por lo menos la planta baja sí es un bar - pero los pisos de arriba es una peli porno de slings y cosas, alucinante! En ese momento de ver tanto tío semidesnudo y en plan te tiro te dejo, me entró un poco de cachondeo - quizá promovida por el alcohol también - y pensé por qué no? al final estaría perfecto esto, me quito la espinita de no tener sexo hace meses y con alguien que no veré más. Pero como siempre pasa, oh vida que no nos trae nada fácil!, comencé a hablar con un tío guay, guapete, con un muy buen cuerpo para la edad que tiene y que mostraba un interés real en mí más allá de un aquí te pillo.
Bueno, comenzamos a besarnos y todo hasta que nos fuimos a un rincón por ahí y comenzamos a follar... pero estaba todo tan intenso y que no parábamos ni queríamos parar que nos fuimos a su casa - un loft que me encantó por cierto - oh, a todo esto, recién era medianoche porque en el lugar ése sólo estuve una hora o un poquito más... En su casa follamos como posesos, Dios! Aparentemente yo estaba más cachondo de lo que creía!!! Creo que sólo dormimos un par de horas antes que él se fuera a trabajar y yo regresara a casa. Es flamenco y se llama Patrick, trabaja para un periódico flamenco y realmente que me cayó muy bien, y tiene un culo, wow!
La cosa es que intercambiamos los números y hemos quedado en tomar un café en la semana pero recién ahora me volvió el pánico de la realidad y todo eso. Felizmente que Patrick sí es de los que tiene una caja llena de condones y lubricante en casa, entonces no hubo ningún tipo de inconveniente.
Y eso, que me tomaré todo con calma. Sin embargo, creo que sí está muy mayor para mí aunque esté bueno y todo eso :s Tiene 49!!! Es tú y yo en adición... es que tío, es 49 :s Ahora sí que me siento zoccola, hahaha...
ps, es día 1 sin alcohol, cómo lo vas llevando? :p
qué tal el carnaval en Aalst?
mercredi, mars 09, 2011
Another weekend in Brussels
Last Friday was David's birthday and it got a little bit crazy.
First, we went to Cabraliego - a Spanish bar in Les Marolles. All our friends were there and we even got to see Rocco who had just arrived in Brussels. Hot as always Rocco continues to amaze me, he's the definition of careless/laid-back sexy Italian guy. But anyway, I also got my part of compliments thanks to my new haircut; it's always nice to hear guapo or bello or even better bellissimo.
After drinking a lot - but me, I controlled myself to only 4 drinks, I'm talking about everyone else - we made our way to the center. Again Virginie asked me whether Jose was gay or not; Jose is David's Mexican friend with whom I flirted a little bit one night and since then they all have doubts but I know, because David used to live with him, that he's straight.
So, we get to Mezzo and music is good, everyone is on the dance floor. Time to get our groove on! And after a while I'm told I dance too sexually - it was a compliment actually and a big one but still it got me thinking I may dance like a slut, so I go tell David while we dance as sluts and he answers: "Somos unas zoccole Miguel!" I just started laughing.
By the end of the night we ended up in Gentleman's. I mean, everytime I say I'm not coming back and there I am dancing some old Italian hits surrounded by old people and just a few of my generation. We had a blast!
And by Sunday I got laid with a Belgian guy I met at Duquesnoy, a really sleazy bar I'm not coming back to alone, that was sleazy. But this Patrick is really nice and he's got such a nice ass that I just couldn't handle myself. We went to his place and it was great. My body still hurts from the hours of non-sleeping.
I won't be more detail-oriented in this one because I don't want this post to go practically x-rated. I'll just say that I really really really enjoyed my time with Patrick and we'll see each other again.
jeudi, mars 03, 2011
lundi, février 28, 2011
Another Saturday Night Fever
So, another week passed and I still feel like it should be Wednesday.
The highlight of this weekend was the afterparty at Bozart for the Museum Night Fever - a special night in which the most important museums in Bruxelles let their doors opened for a little longer and while seeing some art we could listen to some nice live music. Paola, Sara and I spent a while in Bozart where the atmosphere was really nice. I must say I was not disappointed.
After that we went to Boy's Boudoir, hoping I could get lucky but still it was practically the same people and I ran into the Spanish couple from last week, Nicolas (David's latest fuck) and Daniele (another Italian guy I've met twice). Though I had fun anyway.
And to end our night, at about 5 am we went to The Gentleman's, just as crazy as last time - unfourtunately this time we didn't dance to Raffaella Carrà's greatest hits but we had our share of Italian music.
I know, this post has been a little bit lame but I'm still exhausted from this weekend.
Promise next time will be more insightful.
mardi, février 22, 2011
What a Saturday. Not so good for me really but at least some of my friends had fun.
Let's start by the beginning.
Early morning I decide to say hello to Andre, the dutch guy I met almost a year ago in Amsterdam. I have him on skype and he was connected so why not some small talk? Well, it all goes fine, hello, how are you? what's new in your life?; I bought a new motorcycle, I don't have much free time anymore and by the way I now have a boyfriend. Snap! I did not expect that; luckily I didn't tell him I haven't had any sex since the year started and that I wanted to have some fun with him. Nevertheless, it got a little bit awkward and after a while we said goodbye.
After this, the afternoon went fine. I had plans for the evening with David and some girlfriends. It all went great. We went to Boy's Boudoir again and the music was good and there were some hot blokes.
So, we meet with some of David's friends and there's one with whom I usually talk more and we're even facebook friends. Well, we start dancing together, for moments more rubbing each other than dancing actually. It continues that way until he starts touching my dick and kissing my neck. I did not complain at all, it was enjoyable. The problem came when I turned back to be face to face with him and kiss properly. In that moment he tells me: "You know, I have a boyfriend, we've been together for 5 years, it's him actually." And he points to another guy who'd been dancing with us all along. I was so embarrassed, Gosh! Because I knew the other guy and had no idea they were together. It was so awkward that I had to grab David and start dirty-dancing with him and the couple in order not to look as the slut who wants to sleep with your boyfriend.
After that, they left and it was only David and I and some girlfriends. I spot a hot guy with some tattoos, try to make eye contact but nothing, he went straight to David; and of course they hook up quite instantly. And those two off to this guy's place. I must confess that seeing them kiss hurt a little but I'm still trying to figure out if it was because I have some feelings towards David or because it was him once again who was successful hooking up and not me or because he got the guy I would have liked to fuck; I don't know, or maybe all 3 together, who knows?
I may find out eventually. Good thing is that I went to David's on Sunday - our weekly movie date - and when I asked him about his night it really didn't bother me to hear it had been good and that he would have no problems seeing this guy again. What bothered me was something else but I cannot share that here, at least not now. Oh, I should also add that we had some nice moments while talking, some hugs and the usual thanks for being here. I'm so lucky to have him as a friend, seriously.
That was pretty much my weekend. Refusals, awkwardness, some jealousy and some tender moments on Sunday. I guess a good equilibrium in the end actually.
À la prochaine.
samedi, février 19, 2011
Se non ora quando?
Un poco tarde pero bueno. Esta semana ha sido un poco rara, porque vino y se fue tan rápido que aún creo que es martes.
Pero bueno, sigo.
El fin de semana pasado, exactamente el domingo 13 de febrero, fue un día muy importante para todos los italianos en el mundo. Por un día no sólo los italianos expatriados sino que también muchos simpatizantes se unieron en varias capitales y ciudades del mundo para protestar en contra de Berlusconi.
Realmente era algo que debía ocurrir y fue muy grato observar y sentir la frustración de este pueblo - y quizá más por parte de la población femenina, ya prácticamente caricaturizada por este hombre que increíblemente lleva más de una década en el poder.
Dejo unas fotografías que pude capturar ese día y si quieren más información sobre lo ocurrido pueden visitar:
All photographies are property of Miguel Ángel Ramírez
jeudi, février 10, 2011
lundi, février 07, 2011
Un poco d'italiano [ Nina Z. ]
NINA ZILLI, L'Amore verrà
I do not own this video. Property of Universal Music Italia Srl.
NINA ZILLI, 50mila
I do not own this video. Property of Universal Music Italia Srl.
dimanche, février 06, 2011
I am such an idiot
One more round.
I know I should not be falling but I know I am and I am wanting to.
Second round.
I know I care more than I actually say but it shows.
Third round.
I will get hurt in the end but I do not care.
Fourth round.
We will fuck so hard that he will remember.
Fifth round.
I may get screwed.
But I do not care at this point.
dimanche, janvier 30, 2011
Let's go country y'all [ The Perrys & Turner ]
JOSH TURNER, Why don't we just dance
I do not own this video. Property of MCA Nashville, a Division of UMG Recordings, Inc.
THE BAND PERRY, Independence
I do not own this video. Property of Universal Republic Nashville Records.
samedi, janvier 29, 2011
You've just been Philled in
And on other news, I want to share Philip DeFranco's video blog. I've become addicted to his posts. Here's the latest, I hope you enjoy it... you're about to get Philled in...
I do not own this video. Property of Philip DeFranco
Qué friki...
Vaya noche; de música, drama y un poco de freakshow, o sea, lo mejor de lo mejor de las noches bruselenses.
Comencemos; por si no lo había comentado antes, la australiana de mi kot es un personaje raro, ya catalogada así por otra de mis compañeras de casa. Y yo creo que tienen que darnos razón. Si yo pensaba que podía ser un fantasma en mi casa, Milie me gana con creces - sobretodo porque es un fantasma que no limpia y que de vez en cuando deje sorpresas en el WC, aunque ya se le haya dicho algo al respecto - un asco, madre mía! Pero bueno, ella vive su vida y parece que no está mala aunque a veces nos diga lo contrario.
Luego, Rocco, nuestro compañero de kot milanese nos abandona este domingo, regresa a Italia a hacer un doctorado en la Universidad de Bologna y realmente todos estamos muy tristes porque se va. Sin embargo, ayer me enteré - en realidad confirmé - que había tenido una que otra aventurilla con otras chicas - porque tiene novia - y bueno, quién soy para juzgarlo... si lo hace debe ser por algo... te extrañaremos Rocco!
Pero la guinda del pastel llegó más tarde, en la fiesta de despedida de una amiga de la casa. Cuando ocurrió el beso, luego prometo que lo cuento mejor, por ahora sólo debe quedar en eso, no quiero interferir en lo que podría pasar en las próximas dos semanas. En serio que vivo en un culebrón belga, wow.
En realidad ocurrieron muchas cosas, mejor las enlisto:
- A la australiana le importamos un pelo.
- Rocco se va y dejará unos cuantos corazones rotos.
- Ale Alejandro, un ex-compañero de kot vino a Bruselas por el fin de semana.
- Buscamos nuevo flat-mate.
- Conocí a un Miguel murciano.
- Llegó el beso.
- Conocí a Lorenzo, el hijo del embajador italiano en Bruselas - una historia de David.
- Descubrí que vivo en The Real World Brussels.
- Y, si quieren escuchar música italiana de los 80´s pueden ir a The Gentleman's, cerca a La Bourse.
lundi, janvier 24, 2011
"Je ne parle pas néerlandais"
"Mis días sin ti son como un cielo, sin lunas plateadas ni rastros de sol." Creo que Shakira debió estar en Bruselas cuando escribió esta canción, muy deprimida y esforzándose por levantarse cada mañana, o simplemente vio que el clima bruselense es una mierda y decidió ponerla en una de sus canciones. Sea como sea, cada día para mí sigue siendo un martirio.
Hoy me levanté con dolor de cabeza y esa fue mi gran excusa para no levantarme de la cama. Pero para mi desgracia como a las 09h00 me llaman por teléfono y obvio me comienzan a hablar con holandés. Con mi voz de medio dormido y pocos amigos contesto: "Madame, je ne parle pas néerlandais". Entonces me dice que espere un momento que buscan a alguien que lo hable. como 10 minutos al teléfono para explicarles que a la persona que buscaban no la conozco y que el número al que llaman es mi número personal. Se rindieron y al fin colgaron.
Pero en fin, otro día gris y frío... ¡Gracias Bruselas! Sarcasm Alert, sarcasm alert...
Es mi queja de la semana - muy belga.
dimanche, janvier 23, 2011
Antitapas, Bruxelles' gay life & tipsy tips
Y bueno, el nuevo año ya se hizo notar, y mucho.
Aunque también debería decir que en parte por mis acciones. Si recuerdan una de mis resoluciones para el nuevo año era volver a ciertos antiguos hábitos: y uno de ellos es salir y disfrutar por lo menos una vez cada semana - es que de qué vale ser joven si no lo aprovechamos, no?
Y ya hay cola, van apenas dos semanas y ya hay nuevas historias y creo que más o menos conozco a la mitad de la comunidad gay bruselense - que no es tan bueno en realidad, porque podría parecer que es muy poca, y al parecer no lo es.
Al final resultó que Boy's Boudoir está divertido para ir de vez en cuando. No está mala la música, los tragos no están tan caros tampoco pero parece que el público es prácticamente el mismo de una semana a la otra, o sea, no muy bueno si quieres ligar cada semana.
Mi retorno a las bebidas alcohólicas ha ido bien hasta ahora. No resacas, no pérdidas de memoria y sobretodo no actuaciones embarazosas. Muy bien todo felizmente. Mi único problema con todo esto es que termino gastando un poco más de la cuenta y entro en el modo de sin alcohol no hay diversión, el cual es una chorrada ya que no es cierto pero es lo que termina ocurriendo; es precisamente eso lo que tengo que controlar.
Nunca pensé que sería más fácil dejar de tomar alcohol en absoluto que tratar de tomarlo en pequeñas dosis, es que es de locos eso.
Ahora lo que necesito es algún noviecito o algo parecido. ¡En serio que necesito algo ahora! Espero que alguillo venga pronto para parar con las putas pajas mentales. En estos momentos quisiera ser hueco para no pensar sin pensarlo - he ahí mi frase del mes.
Por ciertos:
- Antitapas; muy bueno, he aquí el link
- Los raros siempre serán raros.
- Es imposible huir de la gente en Bruselas.
- El Manneken Pis realmente ha influenciado el comportamiento de los bruselenses.
- Los europeos no saben que es un "screwdriver".
- Y, being tipsy does help when speaking in a foreign language.
lundi, janvier 17, 2011
Here we go again
2011 has officially started and I'm still having some problems realizing that another whole year just said goodbye, a year that for me was more like 2 completely different periods in my life. 2010 not only took me across the Atlantic but it made me go through so many different emotions (and places) that they are still taking its toll on me.
I know I sound really dramatic but trust me, I'm not even trying.
First, let's have a quick recap:
- I'm still waiting for the permis de séjour - which I hope I get before February ends. This means I cannot leave Belgium until further notice.
- I haven't resolved my Master's Degree situation still - mainly because I haven't had the time but also because I've been afraid of not getting what I want.
- The photography course isn't going the way I thought it would go so my motivation hasn't been top-notch.
- And more than before I would really love to be in a serious relationship. It's already been a while since my last.
It's such a change from last year in which I spent the first days of 2010 trekking along the Colca Canyon in Arequipa, trying to find some inner strength and enlightenment to this year, clueless about my near future and in a Belgian city. A complete 180° turn.
I should clarify I'm not complaining though the contrast has overwhelmed me a little. I knew my Latin-American roots were strong and that I would have a hard time adjusting but Oh Boy they have some more power over me than I initially thought.
Mixed feelings, that's what I'm going through, big time.
Nevertheless, I decided that for 2011 I deserve a new start and as a matter of fact I know this year will be the start of my new life.
There are some things that happened last year that have changed my life forever, some for the better and some for the worse, just how life goes. I haven't really shared them here because they're too personal and life-changing. I will talk about them later for sure but first I have to come to terms with them and decide how I'm going to approach them in a written online post - there's so much I can share at this moment in my life.
I think it's time for some other news, some lighter news.
As my New Year resolutions go, one of them is to be more flirtatious and spontaneous. And to my grace or disgrace - I still don't know - I've already seen some results.
What I can share is that some days ago I ended up kissing like there's no tomorrow with a good friend of mine, but because of certain circumstances it would not be wise to go any further and besides we're only friends, or at least I think so. I have to stop pondering about this, really.
Still contradicting and dramatic, this year has a lot more in store for me, pretty much just how life goes. Only thing I can tell for sure is that 2011 will definitely be a year to remember.
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