Last Friday was David's birthday and it got a little bit crazy.
First, we went to Cabraliego - a Spanish bar in Les Marolles. All our friends were there and we even got to see Rocco who had just arrived in Brussels. Hot as always Rocco continues to amaze me, he's the definition of careless/laid-back sexy Italian guy. But anyway, I also got my part of compliments thanks to my new haircut; it's always nice to hear guapo or bello or even better bellissimo.
After drinking a lot - but me, I controlled myself to only 4 drinks, I'm talking about everyone else - we made our way to the center. Again Virginie asked me whether Jose was gay or not; Jose is David's Mexican friend with whom I flirted a little bit one night and since then they all have doubts but I know, because David used to live with him, that he's straight.
So, we get to Mezzo and music is good, everyone is on the dance floor. Time to get our groove on! And after a while I'm told I dance too sexually - it was a compliment actually and a big one but still it got me thinking I may dance like a slut, so I go tell David while we dance as sluts and he answers: "Somos unas zoccole Miguel!" I just started laughing.
By the end of the night we ended up in Gentleman's. I mean, everytime I say I'm not coming back and there I am dancing some old Italian hits surrounded by old people and just a few of my generation. We had a blast!
And by Sunday I got laid with a Belgian guy I met at Duquesnoy, a really sleazy bar I'm not coming back to alone, that was sleazy. But this Patrick is really nice and he's got such a nice ass that I just couldn't handle myself. We went to his place and it was great. My body still hurts from the hours of non-sleeping.
I won't be more detail-oriented in this one because I don't want this post to go practically x-rated. I'll just say that I really really really enjoyed my time with Patrick and we'll see each other again.